Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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3D Models allow the integrated view of the surface, as well as the subsurface geology and relevant information of related processes.

3D Models allow the integrated view of the surface, as well as the subsurface geology and relevant information of related processes.

The internet platform is our contribution to the International Year of Planet Earth    (IYPE). Major objective is the bundling of information and best praxis examples of modelling results in new fields of application. 3D-Modelling provides an essential input of knowledge to the subsurface and will be a future-oriented management tool of natural resources.

GIS4Geology - GIS for geological modelling approaches

GIS4Geology is an open-source QGIS plugin designed for the creation of geological cross sections. It requires data such as a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), borehole data, and a geological map. This powerful tool enables users to perform various tasks related to geological modeling. It allows the generation of an initial empty cross section based on the DEM, which can then be populated with information from the borehole data. Additionally, users can draw and digitize geological cross sections. The next development goal is to further enhance the software's capabilities by enabling the creation of comprehensive geological models based on the generated cross sections. (7.5 MB)  vom 02.06.2023

Scienific exhibitions

Foto: P. Wycisk

Foto: P. Wycisk

Scientific exhibition  “The vitreous underground – innovative visualization techniques in 3d-geology”

Video Zukunftsstadt Halle-Neustadt 2050
Geology and urban planning

Video Holographic projection 3D Saline underground

Concept and realization: – Dept. Hydro- and Environmental Geology,  Martin Luther University, Halle (Germany). The exhibition is an outcome  of the activities awarded by the national prize “Land of ideas” in 2007  and 2012.

Recent literature:

Wycisk,  P. & Schimpf, L. (2016): Visualising 3D geological models through  innovative techniques. – Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss., 167: 405–418, Stuttgart.   

Previous venues:

  • Stadtmuseum Halle (Saale), Wissenschaft trifft Kunst, 9. Feb. - 19. Mar. 2017
  • Geologische Bundesanstalt Wien, Geologie³ - Geologie in drei Dimensionen, 11. Oct. - 13. Dec. 2016
  • Techn. Rathaus Halle (Saale), 23. Feb. - 15. Apr. 2016
  • StadtSenUm, Berlin, 23. Feb. - 30. Jun. 2016
  • GeoBerlin, 5. - 7. Okt. 2015
  • GEOZENTRUM Hannover, Nov. 2014 - Feb. 2015
  • Ministry of Science, Magdeburg, July - Oct. 2014
  • Thalia Bookstore am Markt, Halle, Nov.- Jan. 2014
  • Martin Luther University, Halle, July – Oct. 2014

Former updating: Please go to our News archive.
